Le projet Dermis met l’accent sur des pratiques d’atelier et des travaux sonores en cours ; encore invisibles, inaudibles, et inconnus du grand public . L’intention de Richard Garet pour ce projet a consisté à s’éloigner des conventions en invitant des artistes confirmés à présenter un travail inachevé ou un fragment destiné à la réalisation de nouveaux travaux , et tout ce qui normalement ne serait pas autorisé à voir le jour. Entre l’exploration, l’enregistrement, la production ou la simple écoute, les processus et les pratiques d’atelier sont très riches. Souvent, et comme par défaut, les fichiers audio s’accumulent dans les dossiers informatiques, pour aboutir à de longues heures de matériel et éventuellement à la création de bibliothèques de sons.
Pour mieux rendre compte de cette réalité, Richard Garet a contacté ses collègues et amis artistes avec un appel à contribution rédigé comme suit : » Envoyer une piste audio inédite avec des sons ou des débris issus de votre pratique d’atelier ( à interpréter comme vous le souhaitez) , un résidu audio, pas de field recording reconnaissable, pas de vague sinusoïdale constante , aucun drone constant, texte et approche théorique bienvenus , pas besoin de fondu en entrée ou en sortie, le son peut être d’un bloc, assurez-vous juste qu’il ne sature pas les haut-parleurs , il peut être brut ou composé , et plus d’un fichier audio peut être proposé. »
Toutes les pièces soumises ont été acceptées et inclues dans le projet, sans réserve ni aucun travail de post production.
Le derme est un tissu de type conjonctif formant la peau avec l’épiderme et l’hypoderme. Son épaisseur est variable selon les régions corporelles mais elle peut atteindre un millimètre. On distingue usuellement le derme papillaire jouxté à la jonction dermo-épidermique, le derme réticulaire et le derme profond.
« DERMIS project » focuses on sonic studio practice from artists making work that is currently in process; subsequently yet unseen, unheard, and unknown to the public. Richard Garet’s intention for this project consisted of stepping away from the obvious and instead focusing on inviting artists that could present work that was unfinished or a segment of something that could be intended for making new work, or anything that normally would not be allowed to see the day of light as is. In the studio practice of any artist working with sound there is so much that happens and that consists of exploring, recording, producing and just listening. Often and by default in this practice audio files accumulate in computer folders, eventually creating libraries of sounds and extensive hours of listening material.
With that in mind Garet contacted his peers and these were the guidelines that he passed along for this project. « Submit an unreleased audio track, noise or debris from a sound artist studio practice (interpret this as you wish), audio residue, no recognizable field recordings, no constant sine waves, no constant drones, text and speech welcomed, no need for fade in or out, it can be just a block of sound, just make sure that it does not override the speakers, it can be raw or composed, and more than one audio-file can be submitted. »
These submissions were not reduced in any manner and everything that was submitted by each artist was included.
Dermis: The dermis is a layer of skin between the epidermis (with which it makes up the cutis) and subcutaneous tissues, that consists of connective tissue and cushions the body from stress and strain. It is divided into two layers, the superficial area adjacent to the epidermis called the papillary region and a deep thicker area known as the reticular dermis.[1] The dermis is tightly connected to the epidermis through a basement membrane. Structural components of the dermis arecollagen, elastic fibers, and extrafibrillar matrix.[2] It also contains Mechanoreceptors that provide the sense of touch and heat, hair follicles, sweat glands,sebaceous glands, apocrine glands, lymphatic vessels and blood vessels. Those blood vessels provide nourishment and waste removal for both dermal andepidermal cells.
Playlist 1: Sabisha Friedberg, France Jobin, Brendan Murray, Maria Chavez, Andy Graydon, Alfredo Marin
Clip audio : Le lecteur Adobe Flash (version 9 ou plus) est nécessaire pour la lecture de ce clip audio. Téléchargez la dernière version ici. Vous devez aussi avoir JavaScript activé dans votre navigateur.
Playlist 2: David Velez, Jim Haynes, Doron Sadja, Melissa F. Clarke, Gill Arno, Carver Audain
Clip audio : Le lecteur Adobe Flash (version 9 ou plus) est nécessaire pour la lecture de ce clip audio. Téléchargez la dernière version ici. Vous devez aussi avoir JavaScript activé dans votre navigateur.
Playlist 3: Katherine Liberovskaya, Jesse Kudler, David Schafer, Tristan Shepherd, Christopher DeLaurenti, Bonnie Jones, Wolfgang Gil
Clip audio : Le lecteur Adobe Flash (version 9 ou plus) est nécessaire pour la lecture de ce clip audio. Téléchargez la dernière version ici. Vous devez aussi avoir JavaScript activé dans votre navigateur.
Playlist 4: Gil Sanson, Byron Westbrook, Victoria Keddie, MV Carbon
Clip audio : Le lecteur Adobe Flash (version 9 ou plus) est nécessaire pour la lecture de ce clip audio. Téléchargez la dernière version ici. Vous devez aussi avoir JavaScript activé dans votre navigateur.
Playlist 5: Lesley Flanigan, Ben Owen
Clip audio : Le lecteur Adobe Flash (version 9 ou plus) est nécessaire pour la lecture de ce clip audio. Téléchargez la dernière version ici. Vous devez aussi avoir JavaScript activé dans votre navigateur.
Playlist 6: Stephanie Loveless, Martin Crecium, Daniel Neumann, Tristan Perich
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Playlist 7: Seth Cluett, Richard Garet
Clip audio : Le lecteur Adobe Flash (version 9 ou plus) est nécessaire pour la lecture de ce clip audio. Téléchargez la dernière version ici. Vous devez aussi avoir JavaScript activé dans votre navigateur.
« Dermis project » a été proposé et dirigé par Richard Garet en novembre 2013 pour les programmes de Dominique Balaÿ et webSYNradio.
« Dermis project » was curated by Richard Garet and put together in November, 2013 for Dominique Balaÿ’s online radio program « websynradio » (France).
Première écoute : à partir du jeudi 9 janvier à 14h jusqu’au 23 janvier même horaire.
websynradio stream
Clip audio : Le lecteur Adobe Flash (version 9 ou plus) est nécessaire pour la lecture de ce clip audio. Téléchargez la dernière version ici. Vous devez aussi avoir JavaScript activé dans votre navigateur.
S’abonner au podcast
Le travail artistique de Richard Garet est à la croisée de plusieurs médias, comme la vidéo, le son, la performance et la photographie. Après des études en Art à New York, il a bénéficié de différentes bourses et résidences d’artistes où il a pu approfondir son approche qui met en jeu des situations critiquant la culture de masse et créant des espaces intimes pour favoriser la connaissance et la perception du monde. Son travail est exposé internationalement, et il figure dans la sélection intitulée Soundings : a contemporary score et montrée au MOMA (New York) durant l’été 2013, qui constitue l’une des plus importantes expositions entièrement consacrée à l’art sonore. Pour caractériser sa démarche, Richard Garet déclare : « Lors de la création d’une pièce, je réfléchis à ce que le travail est censé accomplir , comment il fonctionne dans la relation à l’espace, comment il affecte le public, et comment les contenus sonores et visuels sont reliés les uns aux autres. Ces questions déterminent mes choix et influencent la direction du travail « .
Playlist 1 / track’s info:
1-Sabisha Friedberg 2-South Africa – USA 3-New York / Paris 4-Transit: A Figure Is As A Figure Of 5-10:00 6-Musique concrete
1-France Jobin 2-French Canadian 3-Montreal 4-Un Petit Rien 5-9:07 6-Rien a dire – nothing to say
1-Brendan Murray 2-USA 3-Boston 4-Heated Midi Automata (may-september 2013) 5-9:26 6-Softsynths and midi controls in ableton automated by iannix software. some intervention (filters, pitch) but mostly untreated process. two instances edited together.
1-Maria Chavez 2-Peru – USA 3-New York 4-Work in Progress 5-2:43 6-Llafeci, EU2013 / Performed live never finished
1-Andy Graydon 2-USA 3-Berlin 4-Study for Fig.1
1-Andy Graydon 2-USA 3-Berlin 4-Study for Fig.2
1-Andy Graydon 2-USA 3-Berlin 4-Study for Fig.3 5-4:01 6-These are draft recordings for sound installation works, done in the studio on residency in Krems, Austria. The series, « Figures » presents sculptural works as spoken descriptions. I recombine disparate writings on sculpture, focusing on formal analysis writings of particular works, to create composite works that are rendered in the mind of the listener; imaginary chimeras of sculptural form. Installed, these works would exist in an otherwise empty space, kept conspicuously free of other objects or works, giving a blank stage into which the listener is invited to imagine the described work, inserting it or conjuring it into that particular spatial volume. This is an experiment at this point, I am testing different writing and speaking styles, different voices, etc. These are voiced by myself, and in the future I will most likely use other voices for specific situations, as well as my own where appropriate.
1-Alfredo Marin 2-Costa Rica 3-New York 4-Anxiety Fueled Indifference 5-14:27 6-Anxiety Fueled Indifference explores the possibility of multiple modes of being, in violent interaction with each other, producing a debilitating state of fear. a system of incongruence expressing an unwillingness to compromise. avid incompetence manifested in idleness. the unyielding violence in obtrusiveness.
7-http://www.conspicuouspropriety.com / https://www.facebook.com/conspicuouspropriety
Playlist 2 / track’s info:
1-David Velez 2-Colombia 3-Bogota 4-C8H10N4O2 5-9:24 6-Processed captures from a phonography workshop I directed on rural areas of Quindio, Colombia on September of this year
1-Jim Haynes 2-USA 3-San Francisco 4-Fits & Desertion 5-10:01 6-The source material to this amalgam was collected from the window of my old apartment in San Francisco of my downstairs neighbors engaged in early morning sexual escapades. These recordings date back to 2006 or so, and I have attempted to work the material into composition from time to time, following the psychosexual collages of Luc Ferrari, Robert Ashley, and of course Nurse With Wound. My discomfort with the prurient nature of these recordings led me to a number of strategies to obfuscate, decay, and distress the material in ways that rendered the ecstatic gasps less than recognizable; but I’ve never been entirely satisfied with any of the results. Hence, I’m leaving it the hands of Richard Garet to make the necessary corrections… or not.
1-Doron Sadja 2-USA 3-Malmo, Sweden – New York 4-Pulsations III
1-Doron Sadja 2-USA 3-Malmo, Sweden – New York 4-Pulsations VII 5-4:39 6-For a while now, I’ve been interested in creating percussive music with oscillating tempos. Pulsations III is one of my first tests, generated using a very simple Reaktor sampler with 3 LFOs modulating trigger tempo. In addition, 3 LFOs are modulating how much of the signal is sent to either of 2 separate effect chains.
1-Melissa F. Clarke 2-USA 3-New York 4-Ice Gouge 5-10:16 6-Mostly live recorded material from performances with glass, contact mics, analog / digital effects, data sonification, and recordings of voice and sounds of the arctic.
1-Gill Arno (using material from a session recorded with Jeffrey Allport and Rob Pedersen) 2-Italy 3-New York 4-Three untitled excerpts from an untitled piece in progress – 001 1 1
1-Gill Arno (using material from a session recorded with Jeffrey Allport and Rob Pedersen) 2-Italy 3-New York 4-Three untitled excerpts from an untitled piece in progress – 156 1 481
1-Gill Arno (using material from a session recorded with Jeffrey Allport and Rob Pedersen) 2-Italy 3-New York 4-Three untitled excerpts from an untitled piece in progress – 227 1 23 5-4:40 6-We went out to improvise in an abandoned farmhouse and its surroundings, in the middle of the Canadian prairie. For miles and miles all around us, yellow-green fields of canola monoculture. After more than a year, I am now reconstructing my own memories from those perfect days spent in the prairie. As I freely draw on multiple simultaneous recordings from the original session, subjectivity is foregrounded and a new narrative takes shape.
1-Carver Audain 2-Trinidad and Tobago 3-New York 4-Silt/Whisp 5-11:40 6-An immersive exploration of intersections and temporality.
Playlist 3 / track’s info:
1-Katherine Liberovskaya 2-Canada 3-Montreal – New York 4-Strays Away 5-3:00 6-A sound collage piece created from a series of messages found on my answering machine during a period of several months: strange long messages full of interference in incomprehensible language(s) having somehow landed on my machine from another world or from a different communication channel that come together in this mashup mix.
7-http://www.liberovskaya.net (not updated in over 4 years(!))
1-Jesse Kudler 2-USA 3-Philadelphia 4-Dumb Bus Girls 5-7:02 6-Phone recording from a bus ride either to or from New York on 6/11/11.
1-Jesse Kudler 2-USA 3-Philadelphia 4-hzl-8-24-08 5-5:13
6-A snippet from an outdoor recording session of my group HZL, with Tim Albro. Recorded at the historic Grumblethorpe House, Philadelphia, 8/24/08.
1-Jesse Kudler 2-USA 3-Philadelphia 4-intro1 5-6:20
6-This is material prepared for a performance in Philadelphia on 7/31/11. Two channels of a multi-channel (Jesse Kudler talking live) piece.
1-Jesse Kudler 2-USA 3-Philadelphia 4-outdoors 5-8:00
6-Phone recording from unknown location on 6/11/11.
1-David Schafer 2-USA 3-Los Angeles, CA 4-Noir Telos 2013 5-10:00 6-Noir Telos was created specifically for this invitation. When invited and read that it was for French Radio, I thought of Jean Luc Godard’s film « Alphaville » and the electronic voice of Alpha 60 in addition to the science fiction atmosphere that permeates the film. Since, mostly of what I do is either voice, or noise, I wanted to create a track that was musically spatial and somehow cinematic. This track was done in one take.
7-http://davidschafer.org / http://dsenoise.com
1-Tristan Shepherd 2-USA 3-New York 4-Untitled (9-10-13) 5-4:32 6-The excerpt is clearing-house of improvised gestures recorded while composing a live multi-channel piece for turntables and laptop. It is at its best a sketch; at its worst a diary entry. Or maybe it is the other way around? I have never been a big fan of drafts or sketches. When I’m working on a new piece that will be composed, I improvise for days, and now it’s so easy to record yourself. In a way, I am interrogating my intuition. I always lose. The recording always sounds ugly and impatient. But listening back to yourself there’s always a moment, intentional or not, where you find a new relationship between two gestures or sounds. You can turn that moment into a conceptual field, and then put that back into time as part of a piece of music, stretching it so to speak, letting it speak. Then you have to figure out how to play it again. It’s very Ouroboros – the snake eating it’s own tail.
7-No website
1-Christopher DeLaurenti 2-USA – France 3-Williamsburg, USA 4-fgtForRG 5-4:15 6-A test run experimenting with various effect chains.
1-Bonnie Jones 2-Korea – USA 3-Baltimore 4-The relics of things you might watch or listen to 5-7:12 6-My friend Julia has the most incredibly detailed and fantastic dreams. As source material for a project, I had her record, for one week each day, everything she could remember each morning right after she woke up.
1-Wolfgang Gil 2-Venezuela 3-New York 4-Untitled (for Richard) 5-10:08 6-Fragments of electroacoustic sounds from unreleased studio works.
Playlist 4 / track’s info:
1-Gil Sanson 2-Venezuela 3-Caracas 4-Sounds for RG 5-10:10 6-A number of sounds, before they turn to music.
7: No website
1-Byron Westbrook 2-USA 3-New York 4-Untitled work in progress #1 5-11:50 6-A study done in preparation for my Interval/Habitat exhibition at Human Resources in Los Angeles, considering the methods and approach to space of a light/sound installation as a sound only piece. I was attempting to work with representation of a singular « sound event » in positioned in playback space vs representing or fabricating a space.
1-Byron Westbrook 2-USA 3-New York 4-Untitled work in process #2 5-14:22
6-Documents my process of generating tones from a Yamaha DX7 synthesizer – something I have worked with for many years to prepare for performances. Normally I improvise my way through the unwieldy data banks of numbers until I find a tone that I like, record it droning for many minutes (for the purpose of building a bank of sounds for performance), then record slight variations, and on and on, building a large bank of options to process live. This recording is a document of what happens if I use those techniques as an end product, without stopping to capture a drone/tone. Recording is mono, realtime, with no cuts or edits.
1-Victoria Keddie 2-USA 3-New York 4-B Frequency 1014 5-9:13 6-Magnetic fields study 1014. Studio session with Crumar organ, beat frequency oscillator, reel to reel, waveform synthesizer, slide pulser sp-1, bi directional microphone, telephone.
1-MV Carbon 2-USA 3-New York 4-The fissures of the cracked shell 5-4:18 6-Brooklyn. In a wooden room with high pitched ceilings. A keyboard amps the center of attention. Two speakers blast it from the washroom. Juno synth, cello, tape, oscillators, voice, feedback, bass. This is how it went for days. Soaked skylights, strings and circuits. Roughed up tunes and messy haircuts.
Playlist 5 / track’s info:
1-Lesley Flanigan 2-USA 3-New York 4-Untitled and unedited in the studio 5-11.28 6-I’m performing handmade speaker feedback instruments with voice in my studio.
1-Ben Owen 2-USA 3-New York 4-2000 window tape 5-17′57 6-Window recording, Richmond, VA.
1-Ben Owen 2-USA 3-New York 4-91219 paper 5-13′10
6-Separating a die cut paper form.
1-Ben Owen 2-USA 3-New York 4-130105 Modular Live 5-15′57
6-Live recording excerpt of Richard Kamerman’s Modular score, Brooklyn, NY.
1-Ben Owen 2-USA 3-New York 4-130108 radio 5-3′41
6-Radio recording.
Playlist 6 / track’s info:
1-Stephanie Loveless 2-Canada 3-New York 4-Intro 5-11:12 6-From the development of a piece called Ich bin auf Liebe eingestellt (after Marlene Dietrich), this audio file is the first 10 seconds of Marlene Dietrich’s Ich bin auf kopf bis fuss auf Liebe eingestellt, stretched to roughly 10 minutes and processed.
1-Stephanie Loveless 2-Canada 3-New York 4-Marlene Voice 5-7:15
6-From the development of a piece called Ich bin auf Liebe eingestellt (after Marlene Dietrich), this audio file is my processed and filtered voice singing along to the first verse of Marlene Dietrich’s Ich bin auf kopf bis fuss auf Liebe eingestellt very, very slowly.
1-Martin Craciun 2-Uruguay 3-Montevideo 4-Drift 5-8:00 6-Piece created from field recordings made in montevideo’s port plus synthetizer and programming.
7-http://www.alonso-craciun.net / http://www.socofestival.org
1-Daniel Neumann 2-German 3-New York 4-Mono Lancet Diagnosis 5-8:00 6-A costumer from Verona has sent to Daniel Neumann a damaged Synthesizer, but he hadn’t explained what was wrong with it. This recording is the result of testing it.
1-Tristan Perich 2-USA 3-New York 4-Surface Image process material 5-17:00 6-Recorded while I was working on the final section of my composition Surface Image, for solo piano with forty 1-bit speakers, commissioned by Vicky Chow (2013). I was improvising on the piano in the midst of the full forty-speaker setup. This captures the first time I developed the piano score for that part of the piece, as well as the progression of the electronics.
Playlist 7 / track’s info:
1-Seth Cluett 2-USA 3-New Jersey 4-untitled (memory the tape keeps) 1 5-5:27 6-Unprocessed studio utility cassette tape transfers.
1-Seth Cluett 2-USA 3-New Jersey 4-untitled (memory the tape keeps) 2 5-10:19
6-Unprocessed studio utility cassette tape transfers.
1-Seth Cluett 2-USA 3-New Jersey 4-untitled (memory the tape keeps) 3 5-6:14
6-Unprocessed studio utility cassette tape transfers.
1-Richard Garet 2-Uruguay – USA 3-New York 4-Tape studies 1 5: 8:18 6-Digitized segment from processed audiocassettes’ material.
7-www.richardgaret.com / www.contoureditions.com / www.julian-navarro.com
1-Richard Garet 2-Uruguay – USA 3-New York 4-Tape studies 2 5: 7:06
6-Digitized segment from processed audiocassettes’ material.
1-Richard Garet 2-Uruguay – USA 3-New York 4-Tape studies 3 5: 13:36
6-Digitized segment from processed audiocassettes’ material.