

I’m not sure the common theme of this Mix, save for mining the riches of Ubu for (mostly) historical recordings that have both a musicality as well as a conceptual nature. Fluxus and its influence runs throughout this group. The recording of Charlotte Moorman performing Terry Jennings is something I helped uncover when I was given access to Moorman’s archives many years ago. Jennings was a brilliant composer, of whom there are very few published recordings. Charlotte is known more for her visual performances with Paik and others but I find this to be straight out beautiful. As a sound artist/composer, these are all artists who have influenced my own work. The Terry Fox cats get stuck in my head, the way pop melodies do for others. Christopher Knowles’ few published, frenetic sound pieces do as well. Mieko Shiomi’s marbles make her piano sing while Pauline Oliveros’ voices do something all together different.Stephen Vitiello

Charlotte Moorman, TERRY JENNINGS, Piece for Cello and Saxophone (the composer plays saxophone)

La Monte Young – Drift Study

Terry Fox – « The Labyrinth Scored for the Purrs of 11 Different Cats »

Alvin Lucier The Only Talking Machine of its Kind in the World (1969) for speaker and tape-delay system

Anthony Moore, Jam Jern Jim Jom Jum

Pauline Oliveros, Sound Patterns

Meredith Monk, RALLY

Kristin Oppenheim, Hey Joe

Larry Miller – Accord (selection from the 2nd 4th movement)

Joe Jones – Solar Music Hot House

Takehisa Kosugi – New York, August 14 1991

Mieko Shiomi – A Celestial Tune By 108 Glass marbles from Fluxus 30th

Robert Wilson + Christopher Knowles | from A Letter to Queen Victoria: The Sundance Kid is Beautiful

Stephen Vitiello


Première écoute : jeudi 21 avril à 12h et 19h puis jusqu’au 28 avril, mêmes horaires.

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Stephen Vitiello est un artiste qui travaille le son et les médias. Ses installations sonores ont été présentées internationalement, notamment en 2002 à la biennale de Whitney, en 2006 à la Biennale de Sydney, à la fondation Cartier et sur un site réservé de la High Line à New York. Parmi ses publications en CD : Bright and Dusty Things (New Albion Records), Listening to Donald Judd (Sub Rosa), The Gorilla Variations (12k) et Box Music (12k). Depuis 1989, Stephen Vitiello a collaboré avec de nombreux artistes et musiciens : Tony Oursler, Julie Mehretu, SCANNER, Steve Roden and Eder Santos, Taylor Dupree. Originaire de New York, il est maintenant établi dans le Richmond, à la Virginia Commonwealth University où il est développe un enseignement sur les images animées (Kinetic Imaging).

News : Stephen Vitiello se produira en solo et en duo avec Taylor Dupree le 12 mai dans le club de John Zorn, the Stone.

Gig at The Stone in NY, May 12, 10pm. Solo and duo with Taylor!

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